1. DATE - date
2. TIME - time
3. VERSION – Tells us current version Eg. ver
4. CLS – Clear screen
5. MD – Made Directory
6. CD - Change Directory
7. COPY CON – Make a new file
8. TYPE – To see the files Eg. Type [file name].[ext]
9. | MORE – To see the file page wise Eg. type [file name].[ext] |more
10. CTRL+Z – For save the file
11. CD\ - For come outside of all directories
12. CD.. – For come outside of previous directory
13. ECHO OFF – For hidden the prompt
14. ECHO ON – For unhidden the prompt
15. EXIT - Close the command prompt
16. PROMPT – to hidden the drive and show anything which you want Eg. Prompt [any name]
17. PROMPT $P$G – For return to our old prompt
18. PROMPT $P$T – To see the time with prompt
19. PROMPT $P$D – To see the date with prompt
20. PROMPT $Q – To see =
21. PROMPT $$ – To see $
22. PROMPT $P – To see path
23. PROMPT $N – To see current drive
24. PROMPT $V – To see version no.
25. PROMPT $B – To see pipe sign
26. PROMPT $H – To see backspace
27. PROMPT $E – To see ascii code
28. PROMPT $ – To see carriage return & unipad
29. DIR – To see the directory
30. DIR/P – To see the directory page wise
31. DIR/W – To see the directory wildly
32. DIR/P/W - To see the directory page wise and wildly
33. DIR/O - To see the directory in capital letters and serial wise
34. DIR/AD – To see only directories not any file
35. DIR/OD - To see directories and file date wise
36. Dir/O/L - To see the directory in capital small letters and serial wise
37. DIR/S – To see all directories and files with internal files and directries.
38. DIR/A –To see all files(hidden , system ,normal)
39. DIR/H – To see only hidden files
40. Dir/AH – To see
41. Dir/S – To see stepwise
42. DIR *.txt – To see all text files
43. DIR [drive name]:\ - To see all files and directories of any drive
44. REN – To change the name of file Syntax ren [drive:] [path] filename1.[ext] filename2.[ext]
45. EDIT – For any type of changes in files
46. MEM – For display of memory
47. CHKDSK – For disk checking
48. COPY – Copy of file from one place to another place, Syntax1 copy [drive:] [source pathname] [drive:] [destination pathname] [/v] [/a] [/b], Syntax2 copy pathname1+ pathname 2[….] destination pathname, Eg. copy ram.bat shayam.bat Eg. copy c:\mayank\ram.bat c:\shanu\shayam.bat
49. COPY /S
50. COPY/P
51. COPY/E
52. Move – For move a file to another place same as copy command
53. RD – Remove Directory Eg. rd [directory name]
54. DEL/ERASE – For delete the file Syntax del [drive:] pathname /p or erase [drive:] pathname/p Eg. del [file name] {/p is uses for giving warning}
55. C:/>f: - For change c drive to f drive
56. WILDCARDS – ‘?’ and ‘*’ is called wildcards Eg. ?.doc means all the doc files Eg. ?bc.doc means all doc files which are ended with last two character bc. Eg. a*.doc means all doc files which are starts from a.
57. BREAK[ON/OFF] – To stop an activity
58. VOL – Displays the disk volume label and serial number ,if they exists Syntax vol [drive :]
59. /? –Used for help.
60. Erase
64. PRN
65. MEM
67. HELP
68. MODE
69. TREE
70. Making executable jar file – jar –cfm [filename].jar manifest.mft *.class [all extra files which are to be added]…………{mainfest.mft-----Main-Class: [filename]+[press enter]}save this file with extention .mft.
MS-DOS and command line overview
ATTRIB displays or changes file attributes
CHDIR or CD displays the name of the current directory or changes the current directory
CHKDSK checks the status of a disk and displays a status report; it can also fix disk errors
CLS clears the screen
COPY copies one or more files to a destination you specify
DEL deletes the files you specify
DELTREIE deletes a directory and all the files and subdirectories that are in it
DIR displays the files and subdirectories that are in the directory you specify
DISKCOPY copies the entire contents of one floppy disk to another floppy disk. It writes over the existing contents of the destination disk as it copies the new information on it.
ECHO displays or hides the text in batch programs when the program is running.
EDIT starts MS-DOS Editor, a text editor you can use to create and edit ASCII text files.
DEL or ERASE deletes the files you specify
EXIT quits the MS-DOS command interpreter and returns to the program that started it, if one exists.
FASTHELP displays a list of all MS-DOS 6 commands and gives a short explanation of each
CHDIR or CD displays the name of the current directory or changes the current directory
CHKDSK checks the status of a disk and displays a status report; it can also fix disk errors
CLS clears the screen
COPY copies one or more files to a destination you specify
DEL deletes the files you specify
DELTREIE deletes a directory and all the files and subdirectories that are in it
DIR displays the files and subdirectories that are in the directory you specify
DISKCOPY copies the entire contents of one floppy disk to another floppy disk. It writes over the existing contents of the destination disk as it copies the new information on it.
ECHO displays or hides the text in batch programs when the program is running.
EDIT starts MS-DOS Editor, a text editor you can use to create and edit ASCII text files.
DEL or ERASE deletes the files you specify
EXIT quits the MS-DOS command interpreter and returns to the program that started it, if one exists.
FASTHELP displays a list of all MS-DOS 6 commands and gives a short explanation of each
FIND searches for a specific string of text in a file or files
FORMAT formats a disk for use with MS-DOS
HELP starts MS-DOS Help
MKDIR or MD creates a directory
MEM displays the amount of used and free memory on your computer
MORE displays one screen of output at a time
MOVE moves one or more files to the location you specify
MSBACKUP backs up or restores one or more files from one disk onto another
MSD Provides technical information about your computer
PRINT prints a text file while you are using other MS-DOS commands
QBASIC starts MS-DOS Qbasic
RD or RMDIR deletes a directory
REN changes the name of the file or files you specify
RMDIR or RD deletes a directory
SCANDISK starts a disk analysis and repair tool that checks a drive for errors and corrects any problems that it finds.
TREIE graphicaly displays the structure of a directory
UNDELETE restores files that were deleted previously by using the DEL command
VER displays the MS-DOS version number
XCOPY copies directories , their subdirectories, and files except hidden and system files.
FORMAT formats a disk for use with MS-DOS
HELP starts MS-DOS Help
MKDIR or MD creates a directory
MEM displays the amount of used and free memory on your computer
MORE displays one screen of output at a time
MOVE moves one or more files to the location you specify
MSBACKUP backs up or restores one or more files from one disk onto another
MSD Provides technical information about your computer
PRINT prints a text file while you are using other MS-DOS commands
QBASIC starts MS-DOS Qbasic
RD or RMDIR deletes a directory
REN changes the name of the file or files you specify
RMDIR or RD deletes a directory
SCANDISK starts a disk analysis and repair tool that checks a drive for errors and corrects any problems that it finds.
TREIE graphicaly displays the structure of a directory
UNDELETE restores files that were deleted previously by using the DEL command
VER displays the MS-DOS version number
XCOPY copies directories , their subdirectories, and files except hidden and system files.
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